Art with friends 🎨



Wow Jean, I am so impressed with how you are dealing with your “looping.” The expression on the face alone describes how frustrating and constant it is. I certainly hope that creating this picture gave you some kind of relief. :heart::art::heart:


Thank you Norene​:heart: it was fun to draw. A combination between mid journey and my creation . I got the most relief from talking about it on the call and Rick’s ideas​:heart:

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I’m so glad​:bangbang::heart:

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Playing around with acrylic and collage on cardboard today! It was fun but we did miss Jean :pensive: and hope she feels better soon :heart:

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Thank you and I missed you all too. That is such an interesting picture. So much to look at. The arm with the “tassles” on it is intriguing. Wow! You really went all out on this one. But then you do with all your art :heart:

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Thank you, Jean! This picture is actually only part of the whole thing. I’ll post it when I go upstairs.

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This is the whole picture!


Oh wow the picture got more and more interesting! All those colors and some neat , creative makeup on the side of her cheek too.

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Thanks, Jean ~ I definitely had fun with pictures that I had cut out of magazines!

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Though for various reasons we were unable to meet this week, this a collage piece I finished in my sketch book.


It was so good to be back to Art with Friends with great conversation and a few chuckles! I call this piece “Textures of Life.” :heart::art:



I like your new creation with all the textures and especially the lace Norene.
Here’s what I had fun with. A love tree :heart:


Yes resistance and doubts, the big ones we overcome​:heart:


I can FEEL the love with all your bright, colorful hearts! :heart::purple_heart::orange_heart:🩵:green_heart:


Thank you Norene, I need all the colorful bright hearts I can get with these grey, cold, dreary days. :blossom: :sunflower: :tulip: :butterfly: :sunny:

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What a great time at Art with Friends this morning! I was playing around with an 11” x 14” piece of cardboard (top picture). I also took the paper backing off these gel skins and laid them on top of the cardboard…it’s kinda working for me!! :heart::art:

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I love hearing and watching you explore all the different ideas you come with Norene! These are inspirational and I like all the different shapes and designs​:exclamation:
Here is my creation I was playing with during our fun group and finished today.


I recently found this bird that I painted as well as a piece of cardboard that my grandson painted. I kind of liked what they look like together. And now that I see it posted I think it needs a couple of flicks of yellow extending the tail feathers onto the cardboard; maybe off the upper wing too. :heart: :art:

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