Art with friends 🎨

The first thing that I thought of when I saw this bird was the song,
“Fly Robin Fly,” even though that bird isn’t a Robin. It looks like it just wants to take off. I like it the way it is but some extra yellow would be nice too.

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I had a picture in mind that I wanted to create but it felt too time consuming then, plus I wanted to draw a colorful, happy picture, so this is what I created.


Nicely done, Jean! I feel very happy as I look at your picture!


Thank you Norene. I like happy pictures, but other kinds are good too, depending on our moods.


These Gel Skins and Journal Collage are what I was playing with during our call this morning. :heart::woman_artist:t2::artist:t2::woman_artist:t2::heart:


Norene, I didn’t know you had created all of these while we were together. Is the man at the top looking for the woman in the window in the middle? Look at all the beautiful purple colors in the bottom picture! I love purple!

Do you think that someone could be so sensitive that they could cry in colors? I wonder so I created someone who could.


My tears change colors for sure. I’m imaging some people could sense the differences. Thanks for putting it into art!

I ran about 20 attempt sin midjourney to come up with something, and yours is best! Here’s one in a different style I like ok… she’s drooling multicolor, too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wow yours is amazing and so colorful. Now I want to draw it. I’m getting more interested in drawing some of these Ai images than creating them. I’m glad you liked mine.

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Hope it’s okay to just sort of leap in here. Thanks for sharing all your art/creativity here.

I haven’t been doing much art lately, but did this collage a few weeks ago (as a cover for a book to hopefully process difficult feelings / shift them to something creative)


Thank you, Jean :art: I love purple too! Fortunately, my new refrigerator b/f has no eyes for anyone but me​:bangbang::rofl:
I believe sensitives could very well cry in colors and I love that your curiosity led to this picture :art: :bangbang::heart::artist:t2:

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Jewel :art: What a wonderful leap into Art with Friends​:bangbang: Your soft, muted colors work well with the darker colors. I also appreciate your use of icons (mostly the clock and moon) as well as letters and numbers. It is truly a beautiful picture to be the cover for your journal to process your feelings​:bangbang::art::heart::artist:t2:


I love this collage Jewel and I’m so glad you leaped in here to share it with us! Yes that will make a lovely book cover for sure. What a neat idea for a book and it sounds like fun too. I hope you will post more of your art here if it feels right for you. :sunny: :framed_picture: :paintbrush: :art:


Thanks, Norene, and Jean.

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Did abit of collage today (while listening to some healing audio’s on finding clarity). Enjoyed the process… :blush:


Jewel…Such a beautiful and meaningful collage!! I can truly feel the healing and clarity….I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear this message today! :heart::art::artist:t2:


Oh thanks Norene. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you too.


Such a pretty collage Jewel. Thank you for sharing it I love the positivity and all the colors. :butterfly: :tulip:

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Thanks Jean. :grinning: :two_hearts:

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I did this collage back in November with an online group called “Women Unleashed”. My inquiry was how to deal with a toxic, draining relationship. I felt uplifted by the words - “a prayer answered” - and the image of my playful inner child running with the balloon.

And I did receive some guidance at the time about using various prayer practices for relationship healing, and failed to follow through / had some resistance. But my recent dream message saying - “You need to pray” reminds me of this again. Like a little tap on the shoulder from the guides & angels… :blush: :sparkling_heart:

The practices offered were as follows: (just pick one daily from this list of options - feel free to mix it up):

  1. Melody Beattie - Make Miracles in 40 Days (Turning What you Have into What you Want) - it’s about practicing gratitude even for the hard stuff and sharing the process with another
  2. Ho’oponopono + Change Me Prayers (Tosha Silver)
  3. Iyanla Vanzant - “Get Over It” (prayers used for transformation of stuck places)
  4. 90 Day Prayer Partners (August Gold)- Praying with a partner for getting unstuck together / short daily phone calls for listening & committing to the process.

So I think I will try to get back to this very good advice from the spirit guides.
Grateful for the dream and gentle reminder.
I’ll let you know how it goes.


I think purple is one of those colors that you either love or hate. I have always loved it!! :heart: :art: