Wow, I love reading these replies! And seeing how these Real Skills layer into our Being over time…
Right now, the ones that feel most ripe for me to continue cultivating include co-creating a thriving lifestyle, supporting others in their thriving, taking focused action, expressing my Heartistry, and relating in healthy ways.
Mostly very We-Space oriented! Because I’m so much happier to have a thriving, mutually nourishing We-Space, and it’s so vital to nourish that for our family, as we integrate a new baby (who will be mobile all too soon!), continue to homeschool our first-grader, and move into this new phase of family life together.
And, I know that for the We-Space aspects to thrive, I also need to keep expressing my Heartistry in the world, too. It’s easy to focus primarily on family life right now, but it’s also vital to my well-being to keep seeing clients and know that my work nourishes a larger circle of people than just within our home! And, amidst the needs of young children, it takes extra clarity and focused action to do anything else beyond meeting the immediate needs! So that’s an aspect that needs attention to keep it all in balance. 
Also, I notice that, for the most part lately, I already do feel fairly calm, confident, and at ease with meeting changes — much more so than when my son was a baby! I’m much more centered in who I am now, largely because our We-Space feels supportive of that.
I’ve also done so much work on past trauma over the last few years, that right now, I’m actually feeling remarkably emotionally free, am much less often triggered these days, and overall am generally… well… happy! 
It’s an interesting experience, to be so happy in this postpartum time, given that I had a lot of fears about how hard having a new baby would be (given my previous one!), and it’s been… well, surprisingly easeful overall. Sure, there are challenging moments, especially with lack of sleep, but I notice that I can recalibrate far faster now, and the more I realize that truth (having spent seven years growing these skills!), the easier it is to embody.
So, in contrast with my first, I’m finding it pretty natural to be Calm and Confident with our daughter, in ways that were a huge struggle when my son was little & I was miserably sleep-deprived and in lots of pain. (Having the skills to relieve pain and stress more quickly now has obviously made a huge difference, too!)
And, I know that it’s also so much more easeful now precisely because all the other real skills of healthier relating are at play too! So cheers to all of them!
Looking forward to continuing to co-create this space, to nourish All of us in our thriving!