Embodying Love in We-Space
We live in Kind House. We call it that because it sets an emotional tone for all 4 of us who live here: Me (@Rick), @Jem, Emerald, and Adira. That doesn’t mean we’re always all ways kind. We’re human and we’re all growing.
KIND-heartedness in presence, listening, allowing, and action matters to us. We’re all healthier and happier with that a a shared intention. It helps to remember and it acts as a way to explain the essential reasons behind boundaries we have.
We-Space Living
The expression “we-space” has become dear to me, especially in any areas where I am co-creating… like here!
And yes, it is possible to have me-space living. I know of roommates who don’t share much of anything. Each have their own pots and pans, shelves in the refrigerator, storage in the pantry, separate bedrooms and bathrooms. While there is a “community space” like a living room, it isn’t the focus of their co-housing. They are not consciously, intentionally co-creating a we-space (by my felt definition).
It’s true that a We-Space isn’t the same as a Me-Space. A We-Space has shared values, and shared limits – even if dynamic. My boy if he had a me-space living room could use any of his noise making toys anytime he wanted! Woohoooo!
And, our living rooms are we-spaces. As such we want him to find time and space to live out his exuberant expressions (and we do). That just isn’t when the impact on our nervous system would be “too much.” We balance it, best we can, with adapting and flexing and being clear. We might wear earplugs at times (sooooo useful for auditory folks like me!).
There’s much more to explore here… which contributes to co-creating a space here where we as those focused on We-Space living in “family” and “kinship” can explore and cross pollinate.
Knowing that our home is intended to be Kind, and that we’re actively cultivating a We-Space that serves us ALL (with adapting, rather than sacrificing), changes the energy and evokes our creativity.
Embodying Love
What are we teaching our kids, really? Yes, language, vocabulary, math, logistics, hygiene, health…
I believe the essence of home ‘schooling’ is the embodied presence of love. And from that love, we grow in the Real Skills… the skills that matter if we want ourselves and our kids and kin to live a thriving life.
Real skills are emotional, energetic… they go beyond rote learning and logistics. They go toward Clarity, Calm, Confidence, and more.
When we embody love, especially in a we-space, it’s fertile ground for thriving. Not guaranteed… “just” filled with the nutrients and groundedness where a thriving life can take root and grow strong and fruitful.
Thanks for listening! I’m so excited to hear what this evokes in you and what matters to you in your thriving family life, too!! Just click [Reply].