Jean's Cozy Corner

Welcome to my cozy corner. I will be sharing love, fun, laughter and who knows what else. I will be building my Cozy Corner as it evolves. Sometimes I will share some ai creations I made in Night café, other times something I think is funny. We do need laughter don’t we? I love silly, goofy and whimsical. Who knows when an angel card will pop in. I will also be sharing feelings.


I love this idea, Jean! Thank you.


Yay! A Cozy Hearty Corner! Thank you Jean!

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I love this idea, too. Thanks Jean.

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Been feeling a lot of grief lately. It comes in waves. I’ll be ok and be able to laugh at silly stuff, then the tears come. I didn’t realize at first that it was grief. I think this is a very good song for the feelings “When I know what to say”… Thanks @Dru


Thanks for sharing, Jean. I like this song and can relate to the grief coming in waves, and not knowing what to say for sure.

Hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

P.S. I love this painting by Audrey Ast Illustrations for bringing a feeling of “coziness” (thought it might fit in well with “Jean’s Cozy Corner”)


Oh Jewel, thank you so much for contributing this to my cozy corner. It fits so perfectly. It reminds me so much of you and your sweet Tiger cat. Yes I have been all cozied up under a blanket and reading e books on my I pad. It is so comforting and don’t we all need hugs and comfort.


Yes we do feel sad from time to time and even sadness that lasts longer than we want. But we don’t have to stay there. There are


Yes we feel sad from time to time and sometimes the sadness lasts longer than we want. But there are many ways and things to feel happy about even small things like listening to birds chirping in the sunrise, or the sweet taste of something you enjoy, and much more. Especially if we allow ourselves to tap while we are feeling the sadness. Then we can begin to see more possibilities for happiness and joy. I know this because I’ve had bouts of sadness for a few weeks. Usually they pass fairly quickly but not always. Yesterday was one of those sad days where I just cried and cried. I didn’t even feel the presence of my angels. It was so tiring but today I have enjoyed many small things like creating a chicken, gravy and stuffing dinner from a rotisserie chicken. Comfort food at it’s best. (Unless you are a vegetarian).
What makes you happy?


Simple Uplifts. I’ve really needed them, too. It’s part of my Thriving anyway mantra.

Weirdly, the more I focus there the more content I feel amidst the profound changes. Love to you, Cozy One!


Adding Al the Rabbit with his cozy friends on his cozy couch to the Cozy Corner. He likes to be cuddled and he sometimes cleans his friends here while cuddling them. He is a Lionhead and Lop mix so he has a mullet and also long hair. His fur feels like gentle silk and he likes to have the back of his neck rubbed.

Higs to you Jean. This Cozy Corner feels like a safe place to feel grief and those spaces are important right now.


Thank you Dru for sharing Al the Rabbit on his cozy couch to my cozy corner. I would love to cuddle with him. :heart:

Yes my cozy corner is a very safe place to feel our feelings. Funny I was just thinking I hadn’t cried now in two days until I saw Al and all his cuddly friends. Sweetness brings tears too. Feel free to come in and share your feelings any time you want.


How’s this for cozy :heart:



Just needs pumpkin pie with whipped cream! Oh, and steaming coffee. :wink:


Monday I had a dental appointment to check on what seemed to be a broken tooth. It was actually a filling that came out. He was able to fix it with no novicane and I wasn’t anxious at all. What a strange but beautiful feeling! I HAD NO ANXIETY. I’m not used to feeling this way and it was blissful. Earlier I had read something about someone telling themselves that they were brave. I thought about it and you know, I am brave. I kept telling myself that even though I don’t like going to the dentist I went. Thank you angels and guide and thank me and my bravery. I was rewarded with no anxiety and i didn’t need to put this on


Woohoo! Glad it worked out so smoothly…


Thanks, it was supposed to be a little humorous with the basket over my head but truly having no anxiety at the dentist? That was a mini miracle.


These made me laugh


