As regular circle members are aware, our friend Megan has struggled for several years to leave an unsafe, unkind and extremely stressful living situation.
And now she has a new place!
Megan could use a little help with moving costs and the associated costs that come with retrofitting her new living space to accommodate her particular health needs.
Anything and everything is appreciated, and no amount is too small.
I’m collecting donations on her behalf to help ensure her privacy. Rest assured, 100% of the donations will go to Megan, and they will be forwarded to her promptly.
From Megan:
I want to convey to everyone my deep gratitude of how appreciative I am of all the loving support I’ve received and continue to receive from our beautiful circle which has made this move possible on all levels. This transition is allowing me to start to heal, rest, and shift from surviving to ultimately beginning to thrive. I look forward to sharing and co-creating with you soon.
I’m overwhelmed by the generous loving support of this community and appreciate all your help. I feel so uplifted and wish I could hug each of you for making this transition so much easier and facilitating my healing and decreasing the financial stress to make this move happen so quickly. I look forward to sharing with you more in circle soon. I got to sleep 9 hours last nite and spend time in the ocean today and am breathing much better today. Thank you for making this possible. Muchlove to you all.
I just wanted to make sure it was the right address. I clicked on it and it took me to a hotmail address I don’t use, so I will just copy it and go there my usual way. I hope that wasn’t too confusing.