

Heartistry is expressing into the world what matters to you.

  • Heartistry frees us from the judgments and expectations humans have about what is worthy of being considered “artistry” and what is not.
  • Heartistic expression grows our sense of who we are.
  • Grounded in what matters in our core — heart, body, and mind — even simple acts nourish and revitalize our energy and attitude.

Heartistry Matters… Regardless of Acclaim, Criticism, or Results

If it matters to you, it’s worth expressing!

Of course, people will judge what you do. You will probably judge, too.

Judgment is natural. Heartists don’t stop there. We go deeper and get clearer about how our co-creativity flows toward what matters to us.

Heartistry invites us to explore a different way of being with ourselves and others.

Let’s say someone writes a song that really doesn’t “work” for you. You dislike it.

But what if free expression through song matters to you… what happens if you ask the heartist who wrote or performed it, “What aspect of You are you expressing through this song? What makes this matter to you?”

This re-tunes us from chronically focusing on “performance” and whether we like/dislike a result towards connecting with what matters and supporting each other in being emotionally free.

It’s not that we won’t judge.

It’s that we don’t STOP at the judgment, nor let the judgment stop us!

We go deeper. We inquire, “What matters to me here?”

We seek to take inspired actions from that place of meaning. We respect the source of our actions, honor the intentions, and keep acting from those core values.

When we do, we also co-create more freedom for everyone in the community to do the same.

Heartistry Can Be Simple

Consider for a moment one thing that matters to your heart.

What is the simplest way you can imagine expressing that into the world?

Let’s say it is Kindness.

We could express kindness with a smile. A kind word. A little note. A thoughtful gesture. A stick figure drawing. A pat on the back. An offered snack.

It can be a kindness towards another… or for yourself.

What’s amazing is that heartistry magnifies what matters to us, no matter how subtle or impactful the action is!

When we express our heartistry, it’s easier to feel thriving.

It’s even more exciting (and freeing) when we realize that heartisty includes anything and everything that really matters to us. Does competence matter to you? Each time you act with competence, you’re expressing your heartistry.

How about calm confidence? Yeah, nobody we know is calm and confident all the time. Yet each time we consciously calm our fears and anxiety and boost our confidence… we’re in our heartistry.

And what if one aspect of what matters is not available right now? We’re guessing you have other aspects of you that matter that can come forth. Perhaps we’re stressed and tired… and can bring forth empathy.

Perhaps we’re not feeling courageous… so we activate accepting and adapting.

What a heartist we can be when we tap into the spectrum of who we are and what matters to us.

Useful Questions

  • 1.2.3… What Matters to Me here?
  • What is the simplest and easiest way I can express that part of me into the world?
  • Can I honor my heartistry here, long before any “goal” is “achieved” or the project is “completed” ?
  • What aspects of me are coming forth in this experience?


Related Concepts

Clarity, Co-Creating, Inspired Action



This excites me. When I had my radio show “Personal Empowerment”, I loved interviewing people. I wanted to know more. What is your story? I’ve been thinking of having another show using Zoom, but do I want to?

I want depth. Yes “What matters to me here?” I’ve had snippets of ideas for writing the story of my life too. Does it matter? Do I want to? Maybe I’ll just jot down what matters to me.

Kindness matters to my heart and I love expressing it with my smile, a thoughtful gesture and YES to myself. She’s been craving kindness. She has also been accepting kindness. It feels so good. :hugs:


Thank you for this reminder, Rick. What matters to me at this very moment is the safety of my son and grandsons. I’ve been consciously calming my fear all day, tapping, cleaning and baking cookies for my sweet boys; it was the simplest and easiest way I could express how important they are to me, especially after Nick prefaced his early morning call to me by saying he didn’t want me to react, respond or judge what he was about to tell me…so, I listened and witnessed the pain that he was experiencing. I didn’t realize that that was being in my heartistry and it felt like I was doing something.


That’s the essence of this concept to me.

My primitive brain wants to DO SOMETHING!!!

My heartistry invites me to notice: THIS matters, and we can do THIS in a way that expresses what matters here.

That’s heartistry. Embodied. Expressed into Experience.

Bless you, and I’m actively holding a Good Thought for you and your family :heart_decoration:


You bring up that there’s a distinction between what matters to us… and how that gets expressed.

Depth matters. Yes!

Ok… how about ____ as an expression of that depth, an exercise of it?
Do I want to express my heartistry THAT way?

It helps to be clear for me that the expressions have so many possibilities. Infinite maybe? :wink:

Perhaps like a recipe book, some ways are simpler and easier and quicker and less “costly” in time and energy than others to craft. A nibble can sometimes be really yummy even if not a full meal. Like a plunge in and out rather than a deep sea expedition, for example.


A nibble here , a nibble there, here a nibble, there a nibble, mmm that tastes good. I want more from that nibble than I did the other one.



My Self is opening up to this topic of Heartistry. And what it might mean for me. I feel so vulnerable these days.
I have read different things before but haven’t posted in a long while, or ever. I wanted to post something because it matters to me to begin to feel myself being active and a part of something in the world.
Thank you all for your heartistry and your openness and sharing. Guiding me gently to be able to see what might feel right for me and to explore for myself.


So glad you posted Nicole and are exploring what might feel right to you. I feel vulnerable most of the time and especially when I post. Welcome, I’m looking forward to reading more posts from you if it feels right.


Our heartistry matters… YOUR heartistry matters!


An aspect of my Heartistry is a willingness to share generously. Yet, I notice if I am seeking external affirmation of the “value” of my Heartistry, I stop sharing! It’s as if Guidance is clear that a focus on external reward damns (!) my flow.

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“Sing the song that only you can sing, write the book that only you can write, build the product that only you can build… live the life that only you can live.” ~Naval

Only YOU can live your Heartistry. ONLY you.


I love this because that’s all I want to do. - be me.


You know that crazy heart of yours? The one with lightning crackling and moonlight shining through it. The one you’ve been told not to trust because it often led you off the beaten path. The one so many have misunderstood your entire life. It is your greatest treasure and will point the way to your highest destiny. It is the voice of your soul. ~ Jacob Nordby

A profound turning point in my life was when I included my Heart in my “decision-making” – including the guidance that knows my next YES.


Not painting, but art: the act of doing something that might not work, simply because it’s a generous thing to do. The combination of talent, skill, craft, and point of view that brings new light to old problems. The way we change our culture and ourselves. ~Seth Godin