Art with friends 🎨

Your drawing certainly takes me back! My first car was a VW bug! Your crazy tires provide a fun way to get to the imagi-NATION! :hearts: :artist:

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Here are three photos that I took at various places in the world. I applied the Japanese technique of Momigomi to them and will use them as collage elements in future pieces.

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Those look like they will be fun to collage in the future Norene. You are good at collaging. Such an imagination you have for it too. :grinning: :hugs:

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I had a VW bug too but not colorful like this one. It was a boring white but I sure loved to drive it. Of course the tires on it did go round and round very easily. :wink:

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The first picture is leftover paint from my palette that I transferred onto deli wrap; it will be the beginning of a new picture. The second picture is of my paternal grandmother. Love and miss you, Nana :heart: :art:


I love this picture of your Nana, Noreen. It will be interesting to see what you create with the paint on the Deli wrap.

Before the group I was emailing with a woman who says she has no art in her, I asked if she could take a crayon and draw a color across a piece of paper. Or a bunch of colors. I mentioned some other ways to draw or paint. Then when we got on facetime together I asked you Norene to pull one of her art cards. I suggested to shuffle the deck 3 times and to pull the 5th card from the top. You did and it said

That is what I did and I came up with this

I don’t know what it is and it doesn’t matter either. It was fun.


I played around with gel skins. The first one is in my sketchbook. I’m not at all sure where the second one will end up. :heart: :art:


Isn’t it fun Norene not to know where our creations will end up! That’s how I feel when I just draw not knowing. One I did I didn’t like so I didn’t post. But when I saw this in my pictures I wanted to see what I could do with it.


Yes, I agree…it is fun not knowing exactly where our creations will land. It’s kinda like being an explorer! :art: :heart:

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You are an explorer! Very much so :sunny:

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Patterns of belonging :heart: :art:

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WIP using handmade paper, gel skins and momigami’d spiral shapes (for the time being! :crazy_face: )

:heart: :artist:t2:


:heart: :artist:t2:


I have felt that way! Tangled… (but not my hair, at least for a very long time…)


Playing in my journal. :heart: :artist:t2:


I like the spiral…

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Thanks, Rick! I love spirals too!

Welcome to my world of weird!! :heart: :artist:t2:



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