Art with friends šŸŽØ


This is the first collage experience from the book Collage Care: The Method; I think I told you about it a few weeks ago. Anyway, this one is about exploring the power of the triangle shape as an emblem of power and transformation. There are many historical meanings of the triangleā€¦I chose thoughts, feelings, emotions. Itā€™s about visualizing my transformation, seeing mySelf achieving new skills. Thank you for asking, Jean. Writing down what it means gives it power and I probably wouldnā€™t have written this if you hadnā€™t asked! :heart::art:


I love what you posted about everything is art and I agree with it. Itā€™s all so interesting.

Yes I know a little about the power of the triangle and how neat you used it in your collage. Now I understand a little more. I want to see if I can find that book or another explaining it in more detail. I love learning like this, thank you. :thinking: :heart:


I am happy to share the collage experiences with you as I do them, if you are open to that. I found the book on Amazon: Collage Care: The Method by Laurie Kanyer, MA

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Yes I am open to having you share your the collage experiences with me. I saw the book too but I am going to try and read an ebook on collages first. I donā€™t buy real books anymore because I cannot read the print anymore. How is the fonts in the Collage Care book?

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Thatā€™s great! I learned a lot about collage from Collage Techniques by Gerald Brommer. See if it is available on Kindle (or wherever you read e-books.) Collage Care fonts are ā€œnormalā€ and might be difficult for you to read.

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That makes me smile Jean, thank you for sharing your art :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just absolutely love this Jean!

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Thank you Kate :heart:

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I appreciate that my art made you smile, Kate. :heart:


I bought myself this beautiful Art Journal but for as long as Iā€™ve had it Iā€™ve been afraid to begin for fear of messing it up. That changed this morning! I am happy with page 1 of my Tree of Life Art journal. I even cast aside my fear of cutting up the 1945 LIFE magazine that I recently found! Does that mean Iā€™m putting aside any fear of life that may be lurking within?? I hope so! The circle (of LIFE) and triangle (strength) shapes are important to me as well. :heart::art:


Thatā€™s awesome Norene. I used to collect old Life magazines along with many others. I understand the reluctance to being afraid to mess up. Plus cutting up a 1945 Life magazine.


And yet, I truly believe that magazine lives on in my creations!


Yes I believe it too.

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Yesterday was one of those days in Art with Friends. I had no idea what I wanted to do and felt kind of un-inspiredā€¦I chose to do something anyway. I had some left-over paint from an exercise using a limited palette (French Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Black and White) so rather than let it dry up, I started playing around with the paint, brushes, pens and a lego-type block just making marks until all the paint was gone! Not really frame-worthy but it was fun! :heart::art:


I love this Norene. Well done for your first page! I love the colours as well as the paper in the journal including its colour. Great score with the old Life logo. Itā€™s perfect there. I found an original scorebook of The Sound of Music and canā€™t use it :laughing:

That blue is something else, itā€™s really hitting my cones to quote Jerry Seinfeld. (As in rods and cones of the eye.) Heā€™s into green though. Did you mix it or has it a name?


Iā€™m following tutorial to paint Christmas baubles and finding itā€™s not turning out like the teacher, again its Andrea who did the ocean and sunrise pic Jean and I did. Ahh well, Im learning. Will post as I complete more of it.

I found myself posting this on socials letting ppl know my goal of illustrating a fable I wrote. This is what I held back saying on a call recently just because of the advice about not getting your dopamine from the start but I forgot about that when I posted it. So here we are. Id love to learn how to illustrate it. A lofty goal right now but something which I hope will keep me learning and doing art :slightly_smiling_face::yellow_heart::sparkles:


The colors and textures in your baubles are quite beautiful! If I may, please donā€™t be discouraged that your baubles didnā€™t turn out like the teacherā€™s. Even though you are learning, I believe the difference is your own personal voice coming through. What a great idea to illustrate your fable! I would start with baby stepsā€¦maybe a sketchbook to hold ideas on which parts of your fable you want to illustrate. :heart::art:


Thank you, Kate ~ I understand your hesitancy to use the scorebook for foundā€¦I was afraid to use the Life magazine I found which is 3 years older than I am!! But, I just took a deep breath and jumped in!! The blue I used is called French Ultramarine Blue. In the Life piece itā€™s straight out of the tube. In the other piece I mixed it with varying amounts of burnt sienna, white and black. :heart::art:


Nice idea about the sketchbook thank you Norene, and for your words of encouragement x