Afraid of Power (Over)…
It makes sense to be afraid of them. You know… the people with power over us. Bosses. Officers. Bullies. Property Owners Associations…
My monkey mind is quick to assess whether a person is wielding power in a way that is a threat to me. Do I have to keep this person happy? If they decide to get violent or punishing, am I going to end up damaged… or even destroyed?
So as we explore being afraid of our own power, we have to take into account the reality that our ancestors HAD to be aware of those with power OVER them… or else. They navigated power dynamics successfully enough that we were given this chance at life!
But we also probably end up with quite a bit of primal fear around power that, if we don’t develop awareness and skill around, will STOP US FROM THRIVING.
Why? Because there are people in the world that relish power over others. The Status Game for them is the only one that matters. Integrity? Honesty? Safety? Respect? Yougottabekidding.
Much of the survival wisdom passed down to us concerns not sticking our head up to high, not making waves, not drawing attention to ourselves. WHY?!? Because in the status game, if you do that you will be challenged by those both above and below you on the pyramid.
Unless you are ready and wanting that challenge (battle?), we learn not to shine, not to stand out. We even learn not to be ourselves.
I want to be thriving. I want you to be thriving! I want to use whatever powers and gifts and resources I have to co-create realms where no dead presidents or living kings and queens are on the money. Where Power WITH is the practice and the one that is rewarded with opportunities and energy and support.
But to do that??? Yeah, we’ll need to accept that the “power over” exists in the world – just like bears and snakes and viruses do. We can’t “ignore” hierarchy… yet we can most definitely co-create we-spaces where “power with” is core.
Is this something your heart yearns for, too? If so, do join us for our next Real Skills workshop:
Replay is below
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This gliding-scale based EFT Tapping and Coaching session is 90 minutes long. Cathy and I will be facilitating as we explore and tap together on our past experiences (traumas?) about power, and why respectful people often suppress their power – at least until they have a new way of expressing it with safety, respect, and freedom!
We hope you’ll join us!
Replay is below
Rick & Cathy
Your Emotional Freedom Coaches
Schedule Private, Gliding Scale Coaching Sessions Here
P.S. Adira says, “Hmmm, my own power is not quite sufficient to move this the way I most want. Anyone willing to add their power to mine and Work It?”