About the Thriving Families category

Embodying Love in We-Space. Cultivating Kinship. (“Family” is what you decide it is.)

WELCOME to Thriving Families: Embodying Love in We-Space! If you’re not yet a member of the Thriving Now Community Center, click here to signup. It’s free to join and participate here.

This space is for you if you want to:

:heart: Cultivate deeper, mutually supportive, authentic, compassionate connections
:orange_heart: Feel more Resourced & Centered in yourself, so you can meet loved ones with greater Ease & Presence
:yellow_heart: Stay curious, open & gentle with yourself & others as we learn & grow through challenges
:green_heart: Experiment with new, holistic, creative possibilities to find what works best for you & your family
:blue_heart: Deepen your awareness of nervous system responses, elemental energetics & healthy regulation skills
:purple_heart: Nurture a sustainable emotional ecology in yourself, your family & in our larger communities
:heartpulse: Orient to the We-Space of interconnection that supports ALL of our Thriving

This is a space to connect and share open-hearted, thoughtful, inspiring, mutually supportive conversations & resources to nourish families & communities. We invite questions & discussion of holistic, creative ways to help each other thrive. We share our thoughts, tools & resources in a safe, compassionate, productive, respectful way.

Please note that discrimination, rude language, harsh judgments, MLM promotion & spam will not be tolerated; violators will be removed from the community center.

Some topics may bring up strong emotions — which we gently invite everyone to reflect on within themselves. Even with differences in opinion, our we-space only engages in conversation that is KIND, COMPASSIONATE & RESPECTFUL.

This is an open-minded, open-hearted, multicultural, LGBTQ+, differently-abled-inclusive space. There may be vulnerable posts about issues of identity, intimacy, physical & emotional health, & unique relationship situations — all of which deserve respect & compassion. (If a topic is not your cup of tea, scroll on by.)

We are here to provide support, resources & inspiration — and most importantly, LOVE and RESPECT for one another. We’re all human, doing our best to be authentically ourselves while nourishing thriving communities!

You’re welcome to invite anyone who might like to be part of our community — please share the link: https://www.thrivingfamilies.center

We look forward to engaging with you about how to nourish thriving family & community relationships, especially in these times of uncertainty and transition.

@Jem & @Rick

P.S. This area is not intended for medical advice or diagnoses. I (Jem) cannot give specific medical advice for individuals in this forum, but am happy to share general thoughts & ideas as a holistic health care provider, when relevant. Posts & comments are for informational purposes only & are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As always, check with your health practitioner before beginning any new plan for you or a family member.


Thinking of you - Rick & family. Wondering if you are back in Asheville now and how things are going. Sending good vibes, thoughts & prayers your way.


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We are! Raucous laughter in the background now from the kids in the playroom. I arrived a day earlier and really did my Virgo Thing and used cleaning and preparing to help process the Feels. Worked! The place was ready for them, bathrooms relieved of Nasty, two water filters put on main shower (sweet!), etc.

Kids went to their schools today which helped them feel at home. Jem just back from her first in person client here in two months. Made breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Now… sweet time with kin here in the center… then sleep!

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Glad to hear of your family adventures and getting settled in. Wishing you all much grace and divine uplift.

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