But it is NOT okay…
Some situations are simply NOT okay. They violate our core values.
That it is even possible for “this to happen” evokes All The Feelings: Rage and Run, Discouragement and Desperation, Outrage and Overwhelm.
WTF do we do with all those feels, especially when many hit on the same day?!?
I know if I try to “force” myself to be calm, all those feelings go underground but still make me feel sick – in my gut or an overall distress deep inside.
Over the past two and a half years, and yes this week, I’ve heard, seen, and had activated so much! Yet, in order to do my work in the world it requires that I not disassociate… or pretend… or burst into flames.
What has been needed is a strategy:
Calm ENOUGH so that I’m not in primitive brain.
Invest and Respect my core values enough to listen, hear, get clear, and take an inspired action – however small or insignificant that may seem.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. (So very very often.)
Us sensitive folk who deeply value freedom desire a different emotional world than the one that sometimes intrudes on our well-being like nasty smoke. I believe we can practice, with real skill, ways to filter and refine what we take in so it does less harm and even inspires us with a longer view.
If that kind of skill feels like it would be useful to you, too, join Cathy and me for this real skills workshop!
The world is likely to always offer contrast. That does not mean we’re powerless to influence how we respond and co-create the world to come.
P.S. Our Circle Membership - now available for
a one-time payment on a gliding scale.
Circle Members get all Real Skills Workshops (and much more)!
Replay is below
Rick & Cathy
Your Emotional Freedom Coaches
P.S. Adira says, “Let’s step out into this world with our rain slickers and our water shoes! Together we explore what is… and what could be!”