The Morning Mile


On top of the Morning Mile are aspects of my thriving life like Simple Uplifts. There’s also an opportunity to really feel my energy and how adding music changes the flow of chi (qi - energy) during the experience.

This morning my energy was sluggish. As I Dropped In and Tuned To the experience I was about to engage with, the action of putting on headphones and listing to Latin Dance music came to me… YES!

From that YES the music started affecting my energy. Instead of being in the dampness and mud, I was on this flowing juicy dance trail. I had not gone down a trail quite like that before. Dancing around soft spot… feeling the bounce of the moss with the music… softening my steps to flow with vocals…

I remember reading the book Chi Running five years ago, not to RUN, but to bring more of that energy awareness to my rollerblading. Now, bringing it to the Morning Mile. Grateful to have this quote above resurface today.