Day 100
This morning I needed to walk. I needed to go someplace I knew well, close by, no chance of it being blocked by a barricade.
I’m not sure what emotions got clogged or activated in my tissues overnight. But I awoke with my energy unstable, ungrounded, and unable to focus (even on my breathing).
If there’s a long term advantage to having multiple practices, it’s that when one “doesn’t do it” the body-mind-spirit can offer another on the menu. Meditation failed. Coffee failed! Can you believe it?!?
After 100 days of Morning Miles, my body “knows” what it can do. It has experienced different weather, different trails, difference paces and distances. I could feel my inner wisdom rising, “We got options, buddy!”
Out on the trail, my energy moving, heart pumping harder than it would sitting on my tush… yes, my energy started to change. It sorta… HAD to. And as it moved, the options kicked in. Unwinding was happening. Releasing was happening.
And then came the nourishment
Near the end of the 1.1 miles, the sun started shining through the trees. Interestingly, it was around the same rise in the trail where I had noticed the pine cone that my shadow was seen on a large tree…
In this simple reflection, I remembered about simple uplifts. The key to a simple uplift is to ALLOW it to influence you.
I paused. I took the picture to both remember and to share with friends here. And then I leaned against the tree and allowed the sun and morning and my beating heart to influence me.
Later… holding Adira
When I returned home, Adira woke soon after and was fed. The next hour it was her and me while @Jem rested.
What I know for sure is that having listened to my body and having a selection of practices I could draw from, the Morning Mile put me in a place where I could really savor being Daddy, too. We had smiles, quiet explorations, a massive poopy diaper… even the espresso fascinated us both.
Yes, I needed to move my body and energy this morning – for me. My Me-Space was chaotic. Leaving it that way without support would have been painful.
Also YES, tending to my Me-Space puts me in a much more potent place when it comes to my We-Spaces.