Power Up Your Momentum with Carol Look

For me the momentum I want to keep growing is around the Circle. There’s a LOT involved behind the scenes. Scheduling, putting the Courses into the new format, admin, email list stuff, shopping cart stuff…

The circle calls and real skills workshops are different. I feel engagement and momentum there. It’s more that to grow the circle, there is emotional and technological and writing/editing/revisiting labors that, well, I can get knocked off of.

One emotion I can get is “shutdown” and the belief/thought that often comes with that is “What’s the use anyway…”

As part of last nights RS Workshop on Letting Go, I did prep work on this belief/attitude.

What is it that I needed to let go of?

When I started the Thriving Now Team, back long time ago, I was happy innocently enthusiastic that this kind of experience would appeal to MANY. That we’d grow and we’d have sessions by different facilitators (which we did for awhile), and hundreds if not thousands of members.

It hasn’t gone the way I imagined. Letting go of that “vision” meant accepting that it has been a labor of love, far more than an effort that has been as financially rewarding and freeing in the specific ways I’d envisioned.

Tap tap tap. Those old visions feel like exactly what I needed to get me here. The persistence I’ve shown (H.O.P.E.) I want to keep. What changes is a letting go of the “stale and outdated” and bringing a freshness.

I can already feel the difference. And new members are showing up, too. :smiley:

Internally there’s also a shift. Carol’s bonus tapping on “Let It Unfold” is so useful for me. It goes to the Allowing part that I needed and continue to need to cultivate in me.

And my little shutdown thought is becoming a question TO BE ANSWERED. “What’s the use?”

  • These beings matter to me
  • There’s wisdom we share that I am blessed to integrate into these teachings, and we all get to benefit – including me!
  • I want to live in a world where emotional freedom is valued and celebrated
  • These emotional skills and concepts are… SO valuable. And, like any early technology skills, they are going to be recognized by the leading edge explorers before adoption grows.

The next 30 years I feel are really important in human development. We’ll have the technology to enslave people… And yet applied with liberty and justice for all, that technology can free us in ways we can hardly imagine.

Our co-creativity as a thriving ecosystem of emotionally free beings has yet to be “tapped” in the profound ways it CAN be. You, me, we… we’re a part of that. Our work together in the geometry of the circle towards emotional freedom is just as important as the network effects of the internet for communication. That’s what my heart asserts :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Thank you for listening and engaging. I so appreciate our community and those investing their heartistry in it and letting that spread out in ripples and waves to others we hold dear.