How to process emotions

My belief is that those ‘ugh’ feelings are a clear communication from deeper, intuitive parts of us that are alerting us to a sort of ‘Right Distance/Right Depth’ assessment of the thing that is making us feel ‘ugh!’…asking us to take a ‘Powerful Pause’.

And if we label those feelings as ‘crazy’, well, that’s exactly the same sort of thing as describing insomnia as ‘revenge’ or not noticing or acknowledging feelings as a ‘failure’.

I start from a premise that is biological…our biological design imperative is that of survival…that’s fundamental. So how could it be that any ‘part’ of us would have the intention of wanting to perpetrate ‘revenge’ on ourselves or have us feel like a ‘failure’ or have us believe we’re ‘crazy’. That defies the logic of our biological survival hardwiring. The learned behaviour of assigning negative and aggressive intentions toward ourselves from our feelings and sensations is in clear violation of our basic biological survival/thrival hardwiring so I dismiss it as simply a learned behaviour that has no basis in reality. But those illogical learned behaviours still need to be addressed in some manner and that’s what we do with tapping it seems to me.