Winter rains and family stresses often have me returning to the Old Favorite of ice cream. It… works.
The New Possibility that I’ve worked on for years is that I don’t need to eat the whole pint even though I have it.
When I savor more… when I really let it Full-Fill me, even the old favorite has a different tone and texture and kind of nourishment. My body right now cannot be in a calorie deficit. But that is different from being stuffed like I might need to “run away” with a stash of calories inside.
Old Favorites can, indeed, be recast often to be something different.
My walks/hikes used to be only where the energy was AMAZING. Pinnacle hikes. Waterfalls. And if they were not available in the time I had (or energy) they didn’t happen.
The New Possibility of savoring changes in simple paths made it possible for me to be nourished in more “bite sized” ways. For 1070 days of Morning Miles now.
I believe even in the coping strategies we resorted to (and sometimes still do) there are hints at fresh possibilities. If we look. If we adapt with curiosity best we can tap into.
Thanks for the kind words and for continuing, as we are, in ways that get us more out of primal and into thriving.