Empath Ways

I realized at one point that I had a gift that has significant challenges to it… and no one around me knew how to teach me to use it in rewarding ways.


Being an empath has profound rewards – if and only if we either are raised in a natural environment where empathy thrives (and who amongst us had THAT growing up?!?) or… we develop the skills and wisdom later in life.

On today’s morning mile, I pondered with my spirit buddy what a core skill is for an empath. Here’s a synopsis of what we explored:

Empath = emotional path.

Emotion = energy in motion

Empaths are gifted at having PATHWAYS for Energy in Motion.

Someone has big feelings? (Energy in them in motion)… we’ll have pathways to us and through us for that energy.

The skill is to develop energy skill and conscious pathways.

If someone is a people pleaser without energy skill, any “ask” can end up running rough trod over the empath. We can even feel “stepped on” like a “door mat” – right?

Empathways (“The Empath Ways”) offers us insight that we offer pathways for energy for those we are connected to. Where is the energy to flow and go?

Is it something for us to consume and transform (like we do with food and water)?

Or is it, at least at times, a pathway for the energy towards recalibration, spiritual connection, deeper wisdom, and re-established balance?

A challenge I am rising into relates towards being clearer about the energy pathways I’m offering when others are distressed.

There IS a pathway in me from frustration and disappointment to acceptance and adapting. (And yeah, also one from frustration to yelling-in-frustration. Empaths have many paths in them.)

Choosing feels… right to me. It rises to the challenge of the energies present. How shall we move with it, not in coerced fashion but in invitation.

Going onwards from where I am now, I am exploring “less mirroring, more embodying other empath-ways.” Will be interesting!



Here is what Claude has to say about what an empath is:

An empath is a person who possesses a heightened ability to perceive and experience the emotions, feelings, and energies of others. While not an official psychological term, the concept of an empath has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in discussions about emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships.

Key characteristics of empaths include:

  1. Emotional sensitivity: Empaths are highly attuned to the emotions of those around them, often feeling what others feel as if the emotions were their own[1][2].

  2. Intuitive understanding: They have a strong ability to intuitively grasp the emotional states of others, sometimes even before the person has communicated them verbally[7].

  3. Absorbing emotions: Empaths tend to absorb the emotional energy of their surroundings, which can be both positive and negative[5].

  4. Heightened sensory perception: Many empaths also experience increased sensitivity to external stimuli such as sounds, crowds, or hectic environments[5].

  5. Strong need for solitude: Due to their tendency to absorb others’ emotions, empaths often require alone time to recharge and process their experiences[1].

  6. Difficulty with boundaries: Empaths may struggle to set emotional boundaries, sometimes taking on others’ problems as their own[5].

  7. Deep compassion: They often feel compelled to help others and alleviate their suffering[5].

It’s important to note that while empathy is a common human trait, the term “empath” is often used to describe individuals with particularly high levels of empathy. The concept has its roots in science fiction, first appearing in a 1956 novel by JT McIntosh, and later popularized by characters in media like Star Trek[6].

While being an empath can lead to deep, meaningful connections with others, it can also be overwhelming. Many empaths benefit from learning to manage their sensitivity through techniques such as setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and developing emotional regulation skills[7].

In summary, an empath is someone who experiences a heightened level of emotional sensitivity and intuition, allowing them to deeply understand and connect with the feelings of others. This trait can be both a gift and a challenge, requiring careful management to maintain emotional well-being.

[1] What is an Empath? Characteristics & Traits
[2] What Is an Empath and How Do You Know If You Are One?
[3] What Is an Empath? Signs You Are One
[4] Empath Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
[5] What Is an Empath and How Do You Know If You Are One?
[6] What is an Empath? | Karla McLaren
[7] What is an Empath?: Signs and Traits | Psych Central
[8] EMPATH | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary