Courage to Thrive: Embracing Adventures Outside The Comfort Zone

“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.” ~ @breathelesss

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This rings true for me. Do I really and truly dare to live? That is the question. I think a lot of the work here in the centre has that kind of underlying question as a foundational element. Fits with the concept of Thriving as a possibility from Surviving

It’s an energetic shift from survival energy to expanding into thriving energy. What part(s) of us are Source for our Choices?

I mean, “dare to live” from a survival standpoint is keep ourselves and those we are obligated to from dying, living long enough to breed the next generation. That’s primal. Useful for perpetuation of the species. In our culture, though, survival can look like hiding. Feel like it, too.

Thriving builds from a different posture. Growth isn’t “just” to insure survival of the fittest and the status that keeps us safer (or the avoidance of threat that keeps us from being ‘eaten’).

Where does that energy come from, to thrive then? If my heart is given more of the choice, my head can respond with options and pathways and possibilities. If my primitive brain is given the lead, well, the world looks scary and narrow.

Interesting, isn’t it? One can almost feel (grin) the evolution of our minds, how mind-cells formed in our heart and gut and everywhere. We have indeed sensors for thriving well beyond what would be needed for surviving-only.

It’s what drives technology, like the tech we’re using right now for us to have this engagement even though you are kin across the other side of the globe! For survival this time and energy is NOT needed. NOT required.

For thriving, well, I get to like and engage and enjoy the thoughts and realness of kin wherever they choose to live. Indeed, this morning I realize that the “survival comfort zone” is really quite puny compared to all that we actually are engaging around.

So are you daring to live? To thrive? Perhaps everything and anything we do that isn’t “just” to keep from dying is outside that zone.

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I might start to work with exploring and connecting to the Source of my smallest decisions and build from there.
Small small teeny tiny seems like it fits right there just outside the Zone. Daring to live and to thrive I am starting to understand more deeply why you have been talking about connecting to and focusing on and building what matters as a counterpoint to so many human experiences and emotions

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