Register Now for: Be a Surprisingly Content Imperfectionist
Why Try To Be PERFECT?
“Why do I try so hard to be perfect?”
Have you ever asked yourself that?
…and let your fear answer?
What do I fear will happen if I’m not perfect?..?..?
If the answer brings tears to your eyes and a quiver to your lips, like it did mine, you’re on the right track. You’re discovering (perhaps once again) what fear has become a driver (slave driver) in your life.
To be emotionally free of this fear takes compassion and skill. If perfectionism arose in you early on, then it sits pretty core to how you’ll try to cope and survive when things get rough.
That’s okay!
You see, perfectionism is there to try and help us. If we trigger less judgment in the Big Scary People we’ll be … safer! Less likely to be punished. Or have our stuff taken. Or be unloved.
Am I trying ‘too hard’ ?
I believe us recovering perfectionists can feel for when we cross over from being competent to trying too hard. We lose track of what is Good… and try try try to make or do something that cannot be criticized.
I have a lot of compassion (now) for the inner child in me, little Ricky, who just wanted to be loved and to fit in and definitely avoid being punished. When he gets activated inside me, he can really be on the edge of tears if the soup is too hot or the oatmeal too cold that he made for others.
Bless him, and Bless your inner child, too.
And blessings and relief, too, for the more “adult you” that… got fired, or got a bad review, or got that email that hurt, or had that former friend “unfriend” you… and decided that you just needed to be even more perfect.
It’s possible to stay caring and competent and be content with imperfection. But there sure is a lot more to it than cussing at yourself to stop being a perfectionist! (As if that ever works…)
If this matters to you, join Cathy and I on Wednesday Oct 26 in the evening 830pm EDT and 530pm PDT (or get the recording and pretend you’re with us live). We both use EFT Tapping to calm the fears that activate “perfectionism” and embrace imperfectionism as an ideal.
Click Here to Register
(If you can’t attend live, register and get the recording)
P.S. Our Circle Membership - now available for
a one-time payment on a gliding scale.
Circle Members get all Real Skills Workshops (and much more)!
This gliding-scale based EFT Tapping and Coaching session is 90 minutes long. Cathy and I are excited to explore imperfectionism with you and how it can free us all in our thriving.
We hope you’ll join us!
Rick & Cathy
Your Emotional Freedom Coaches
Schedule Private, Gliding Scale Coaching Sessions Here
P.S. Adira says, “I shall climb imperfectly and still get to the top!”